Hello Friend's,
In this post i am providing some useful scripts for monitoring database.
1) ------------------Find active sessions in oracle database-------------------------
set echo off
set linesize 95
set head on
set feedback on
col sid head "Sid" form 9999 trunc
col serial# form 99999 trunc head "Ser#"
col username form a8 trunc
col osuser form a7 trunc
col machine form a20 trunc head "Client|Machine"
col program form a15 trunc head "Client|Program"
col login form a11
col "last call" form 9999999 trunc head "Last Call|In Secs"
col status form a6 trunc
select sid,serial#,substr(username,1,10) username,substr(osuser,1,10) osuser,
substr(program||module,1,15) program,substr(machine,1,22) machine,
to_char(logon_time,'ddMon hh24:mi') login,
last_call_et "last call",status
from gv$session where status='ACTIVE'
order by 1
2) ----------------Find waitevents in database--------------------
select a.sid,substr(b.username,1,10) username,substr(b.osuser,1,10) osuser,
substr(b.program||b.module,1,15) program,substr(b.machine,1,22) machine,
from v$session_wait a,V$session b
where b.sid=a.sid
and a.event not in('SQL*Net message from client','SQL*Net message to client',
'smon timer','pmon timer')
and username is not null
order by 6
3)----------------Find the temp usage of the sessions------------------
SELECT b.tablespace,
ROUND(((b.blocks*p.value)/1024/1024),2)||'M' AS temp_size,
a.inst_id as Instance,
a.sid||','||a.serial# AS sid_serial,
NVL(a.username, '(oracle)') AS username,
FROM gv$session a,
gv$sort_usage b,
gv$parameter p
WHERE p.name = 'db_block_size'
AND a.saddr = b.session_addr
AND a.inst_id=b.inst_id
AND a.inst_id=p.inst_id
ORDER BY temp_size desc
select a.tablespace_name tablespace,
sum (a.used_blocks * d.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 TEMP_USED_MB,
d.TEMP_TOTAL_MB - sum (a.used_blocks * d.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 TEMP_FREE_MB
from v$sort_segment a,
select b.name, c.block_size, sum (c.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 TEMP_TOTAL_MB
from v$tablespace b, v$tempfile c
where b.ts#= c.ts#
group by b.name, c.block_size
) d
where a.tablespace_name = d.name
group by a.tablespace_name, d.TEMP_TOTAL_MB;
4)-----------------Find sessions generating lot of redo--------------------
set lines 2000
set pages 1000
col sid for 99999
col name for a09
col username for a14
col PROGRAM for a21
col MODULE for a25
select s.sid,sn.SERIAL#,n.name, round(value/1024/1024,2) redo_mb, sn.username,sn.status,substr (sn.program,1,21) "program", sn.type, sn.module,sn.sql_id
from v$sesstat s join v$statname n on n.statistic# = s.statistic#
join v$session sn on sn.sid = s.sid where n.name like 'redo size' and s.value!=0 order by
redo_mb desc;
5)------------------Find sessions generating undo-----------------------
select a.sid, a.serial#, a.username, b.used_urec used_undo_record, b.used_ublk used_undo_blocks
from v$session a, v$transaction b
where a.saddr=b.ses_addr ;
Hope This Helps.
Sultan Khan
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