How to resize grid disks in Exadata

Hello Friend's,

In this post we will see menthod to expand size of DATA diskroup in Exadata.

So let's Get started

Storage cells in the example are exacel01, exacel02 and exacel03, the disk group is DATA and the new grid disk size is 15 GB .

Steps to resize grid disks on storage cells

Log in as root to storage cell 1 :

# cellcli -e alter griddisk  DATA_CD_DISK01_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK02_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK03_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK04_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK05_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK06_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK07_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK08_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK09_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK10_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK11_exacel01, DATA_CD_DISK12_exacel01 size=15G;

Log in as root to storage cell 2 :

# cellcli -e alter griddisk  DATA_CD_DISK01_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK02_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK03_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK04_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK05_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK06_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK07_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK08_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK09_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK10_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK11_exacel02, DATA_CD_DISK12_exacel02 size=15G;

Log in as root to storage cell 3 :

# cellcli -e alter griddisk  DATA_CD_DISK01_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK02_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK03_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK04_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK05_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK06_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK07_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK08_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK09_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK10_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK11_exacel03, DATA_CD_DISK12_exacel03 size=15G;

Note : If we have a larger system, e.g. Exadata half rack with 7 storage cells, resize the grid disks for disk group DATA on all other storage cells.

Here will resize the ASM disk DATA

Log in as the Grid on database server 1, and log in to ASM instance 1 as sysasm.

$ sqlplus / as sysasm

SQL> select, d.failgroup, d.path
from v$asm_disk d, v$asm_diskgroup dg
where d.group_number = dg.group_number
and IN ('RECO', 'DATA')
order by 1,2,3
NAME       FAILGROUP                      PATH
---------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/   
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL01                 o/
DATA            EXACEL02                 o/
DATA            EXACEL02                 o/
DATA            EXACEL02                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/
RECO            EXACEL03                 o/

Resize all disks in disk group DATA, with the following command:

Command to resize :


The command will trigger the rebalance operation for disk group DATA.

Monitor the rebalance :

SQL> select * from gv$asm_operation;

Once the command returns "no rows selected", the rebalance would have completed and all disks in disk group DATA should show new size.

Command to check the size :

SQL> select name, total_mb from v$asm_disk_stat where name like 'DATA%';

The TOTAL_MB should show 100000M for all disks in disk group DATA.

IMP Note :

If there is free space in Exadata cell disks, method to resize Disk group will be on only two steps

grid disk resize on all storage cells followed by the disk resize in ASM.

Help Taken for this post from : MOS as Doc ID 2176737.1.

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