Solution to CDG-50107 CDG-50605 : Password validation failed for database


Hello Friends,

In this post we will see the Error and solution while creating DR in Exadata Gen2 Cloud.

So lets get started .

Solution to CDG-50107  CDG-50605  : Password validation failed for database

Here we are trying to create Dataguard using the OCI Gen2 Cloud but in prechecks we are getting error with the (Validate Sys Password)

Error :

2023-02-15 23:41:46.915706 -
|                     RESULTS                     |
| CHECK TYPE                             | STATUS |
| check_file_creg                        | PASSED |
| check_file_sqlnet                      | PASSED |
| check_file_tnsnames                    | PASSED |
| db_status                              | PASSED |
| dbaastools_exa_rpm_check               | PASSED |
| dbcs-agent-update-exacc_rpm_check      | PASSED |
| dbcs-agent-update_rpm_check            | PASSED |
| listener_status_listener               | PASSED |
| listener_status_scan_listener          | PASSED |
| node_status                            | PASSED |
| oracle_managed_files                   | PASSED |
| parameter_compatible                   | PASSED |
| parameter_db_create_file_dest          | PASSED |
| parameter_db_recovery_file_dest        | PASSED |
| parameter_db_unique_name               | PASSED |
| parameter_log_archive_config           | PASSED |
| parameter_log_archive_dest_1           | PASSED |
| parameter_log_archive_dest_10          | PASSED |
| parameter_remote_listener              | PASSED |
| space_check_/var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs | PASSED |
| space_check_RECO                       | PASSED |
| tnsport_check                          | PASSED |
| user_equivalence_for_grid              | PASSED |
| user_equivalence_for_opc               | PASSED |
| user_equivalence_for_oracle            | PASSED |
| validate_sys_passwd                    | FAILED |
| wallet_size_check                      | PASSED |

2023-02-15 23:41:46.919438 -
|                                                                        EXCEPTIONS                                                                       |
| EXCEPTION | DETAILS                                                                                                                                     |
| CDG-50605 | Password validation failed for database 'CDBAIRT'                                                                                           |
|           | Given password should match password set in db_wallet and database 'CDBAIRT'                                                                |
| dg_api    | CDG-50107 : DataGuard prechecks failed for stage VERIFY_DG_PRIMARY                                                                          |
|           | Refer the exceptions raised and fix the issues                                                                                              |
|           | File: dg_api, Line#: 1655, Log: /var/opt/oracle/log/CDBAIRT/dbaasapi/db/dg/dbaasapi_VERIFY_DG_PRIMARY_2023-02-15_23:41:10.047779_336426.log |

Location of DG logs on ExaCC : /var/opt/oracle/log//dbaasapi/db/dg

Modify the database's Oracle user's access rights to the TNS ADMIN folder.

chmod 755 -R $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/

and if they aren't already there, move the tnsnames and sqlnet files from the db name folder to the admin folder. Alternatively, you can build a soft link for both files in the admin folder.

vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

        (PROTOCOL= TCP)
        (HOST= DMSCAN)
        (PORT= 1521))


Modify Password in Wallet :

Reference : How to change SYS Password On Data guard Associated databases-EXACC Gen 2 (Doc ID 2867554.1)

mkstore -wrl /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/CDBAIRT/db_wallet -viewEntry passwd

mkstore -wrl /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/CDBAIRT/db_wallet -modifyEntry passwd

mkstore -wrl /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/CDBAIRT/db_wallet -viewEntry passwd

The following is the dbaascli command to update your password.

dbaascli database changePassword --dbname CDBAIRT --user sys

DR directory : /var/opt/oracle/log/CDBAIRT/dbaasapi/db/dg

[root@dm01db01 ~]# dbaascli database changePassword --dbname CDBAIRT --user sys
DBAAS CLI version
Executing command database changePassword --user sys
Job id: 195b3de3-30b7-40f8-ae5e-54e4c95c78ea
Enter new password:

Enter new password (reconfirmation):

Loading PILOT...
Session ID of the current execution is: 10
Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/CDBAIRT/database/changePassword/pilot_2023-02-15_07-18-01-PM_191922
Running Plugin_initialization job
Enter username whose password change is required
Enter new password                                                                                                                                             ************
Completed Plugin_initialization job
Running DB_change_password_prechecks job
Completed DB_change_password_prechecks job
Running Extract_blob_in_standby job
Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
Running Copy_blob_contents_in_standby job
Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
Running Change_password job
Completed Change_password job
Running Update_db_wallet job
Completed Update_db_wallet job
Running Prepare_blob_for_standby_in_primary job
Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.
dbaascli execution completed
Note: The command above also updates the wallet's password.

show parameter log_archive_dest_1

— Using the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter

Once more, create the Dataguard configuration and verify the location

cd /var/opt/oracle/log/CDBAIRT/dbaasapi/db/dg

2023-02-16 11:18:22.434161 -
|                     RESULTS                     |
| CHECK TYPE                             | STATUS |
| check_file_creg                        | PASSED |
| check_file_sqlnet                      | PASSED |
| check_file_tnsnames                    | PASSED |
| db_status                              | PASSED |
| dbaastools_exa_rpm_check               | PASSED |
| dbcs-agent-update-exacc_rpm_check      | PASSED |
| dbcs-agent-update_rpm_check            | PASSED |
| listener_status_listener               | PASSED |
| listener_status_scan_listener          | PASSED |
| node_status                            | PASSED |
| oracle_managed_files                   | PASSED |
| parameter_compatible                   | PASSED |
| parameter_db_create_file_dest          | PASSED |
| parameter_db_recovery_file_dest        | PASSED |
| parameter_db_unique_name               | PASSED |
| parameter_log_archive_config           | PASSED |
| parameter_log_archive_dest_1           | PASSED |
| parameter_log_archive_dest_10          | PASSED |
| parameter_remote_listener              | PASSED |
| space_check_/var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs | PASSED |
| space_check_RECO                       | PASSED |
| tnsport_check                          | PASSED |
| user_equivalence_for_grid              | PASSED |
| user_equivalence_for_opc               | PASSED |
| user_equivalence_for_oracle            | PASSED |
| validate_sys_passwd                    | PASSED |
| wallet_size_check                      | PASSED |

All checks are now successful, therefore the standby database creation should go smoothly.

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